Posts Tagged ‘Joseph Stiglitz’

Examining Our Foundations–Now

April 8, 2011


Wake up people! When you are living in a house whose foundations are rotten, the bottom is bound to fall out soon. The problem with our culture, American culture (and capitalist cultures in general), is that our basic beliefs about what is important in life–our values, our foundation–are not reflected in the systems we have in place for spiritual growth, commerce and government. So our house is built on a shaky and unreliable foundation–and if the floor is torn out of a house, you cannot dwell there. What is happening in Japan, the partial nuclear meltdown, and what is happening in our government–the budget cuts of Medicaid and other social service programs which Obama today declared might lead to a “dissolving” of our government–are reflections of the basic problems we have in our societal structure. As Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz said today on Democracy Now, the forces of capitalism and government today are nothing more than the tyrants of Old Europe dressed up in modern clothes.

As deep psychologists are pointing out, when one is motivated by more than one thing, values can get destroyed or overlooked. When the government or a big business is making profits by harming or destroying life, health, our food safely, the environment, et cetera, those involved will psychologically be unable to see–or adequately solve–the problem at hand.

We need to decide whether or not our values of protecting people’s lives and health, peace, protecting endangered species and habitats, making sure our food and water systems are safe, and preserving a high quality of life for ourselves and future generations are important to us, and what we are going to do to defend them. Are they important enough to us to tear down our old house and build a new, sustainable one, one all living creatures can live in peacefully? Now would be the time to decide.